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The River

¿Una orden ejecutiva paralizó por completo a la USAID?

Con la interrupción del financiamiento federal a la USAID los medios de comunicación pro-occidentales, de Ucrania a Nicaragua, están mendigando donaciones, y un aparato multimillonario de cambio de régimen entra en modo pánico. Este artículo fue traducido por Misión Verdad. You can read the article...

Chris Hedges: The Empire Self-Destructs

And Then the World Blew Up – by Mr. Fish By Chris Hedges / Original to ScheerPost The billionaires, Christian fascists, grifters, psychopaths, imbeciles, narcissists and deviants who have seized control of Congress, the White House and the courts, are cannibalizing the machiner...

Why did Republicans fund ‘transgender dance’ in Bangladesh?

As Trump attacks foreign spending on “woke” initiatives, a GOP-aligned outfit has largely escaped scrutiny, despite using taxpayer funds to sponsor “transgender dance performances” and what it called the “largest published survey of LGBTI people in Bangladesh.”  According to documents obtained by T...

Chris Hedges: The Western Way of Genocide

Explore Gaza – by Mr. Fish By Chris Hedges / Original to ScheerPost Gaza is a wasteland of  50 million tons  of rubble and debris. Rats and dogs  scavenge  amid the ruins and fetid pools of raw sewage. The putrid stench and contamination of decaying corpses rises from beneath the...

Chris Hedges: How Fascism Came

By Chris Hedges / The Chris Hedges Report Transcript For over two decades, I and a handful of others —  Sheldon Wolin ,  Noam Chomsky ,  Chalmers Johnson ,  Barbara Ehrenreich  and  Ralph Nader  — warned that the expanding social inequality and steady erosion of our d...


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